Beginning this September, PESB will convene a series of public and private listening sessions, as well as publish an online survey, to hear your feedback and insight on the first draft of the revised standards and training rubric. Read the announcement.
LEADER initiative aims to tackle gaps in educator diversity through community engagement
The LEADER initiative, with $13.8 million invested over eight years, will focus on increasing community representation in teaching, supporting the systems changes needed to sustain these educators and leaders, and supporting the transformation toward just and equitable educator preparation programs, districts, and schools. Read the announcement.
Grant funds available to support alternative route programs and candidates
The Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) is offering grants of up to $280,000 to implement innovative “grow your own” teacher strategies that address workforce shortages, and recruit, support, and prepare diverse teacher candidates. Read the announcement.
New certificate renewal requirements
Beginning July 1, 2023, teacher and administrator certificate renewal applications must include evidence of professional learning focused on equity-based school practices. Read the announcement.
New member appointed to Paraeducator Board
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has appointed Doug Pace, a paraeducator and curriculum assistant in the Freeman School District, as the newest member to join the Paraeducator Board. Read the announcement.
July board meeting agenda and materials now available
Agenda and materials are now available for our July board meetings. View the announcement.
Educator professional learning days
This bulletin provides school districts with current information about the three funded professional learning days as a result of RCW 28A.150.415, and the areas of focus for one day each year as described in RCW 28A.415.445 and in Senate Bill 5044 (2021). Read the bulletin.